#!/usr/bin/perl package MyFormatter; $VERSION='0.1'; use strict; use lib "/home/msittig/public_html/wiki" ; use base qw( CGI::Kwiki::Formatter Blockquotes DefinitionLists ReplacedObjects ); use CGI::Kwiki qw(:char_classes); require( "blog2html.pl" ); sub process_order { my ($self) = @_; my @order = $self->SUPER::process_order(); @order = insert_process_method( "quote", "function", @order ); @order = insert_process_method( "definition_lists", "comment", @order ); @order = insert_process_method( "replaced_object_link", "named_http_link", @order ); @order = insert_process_method( "isbn_link", "inline", @order ); @order = insert_process_method( "blah", "wiki_link_forced", @order ); @order = insert_process_method( "blah", "wiki_link", @order ); return @order; } sub insert_process_method { my ($insert, $before, @order) = @_; my @new_order; foreach my $method (@order) { push @new_order, $insert if $method eq $before; push @new_order, $method; } return @new_order; } sub format_table { my ($self, $rows) = @_; my $cols = 0; for (@$rows) { $cols = @$_ if @$_ > $cols; } my $table = qq{\n\n}; for my $row (@$rows) { $table .= qq{\n}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$row; $i++) { my $colspan = ''; if ($i == $#{$row} and $cols - $i > 1) { $colspan = ' colspan="' . ($cols - $i) . '"'; } my $cell = $self->escape_html($row->[$i]); $cell = qq{
\n} if $cell =~ /\n/; $cell = ' ' unless length $cell; $table .= qq{$cell\n}; } $table .= qq{\n}; } $table .= qq{
\n}; return \$table; } sub lists { my ($self, $text) = @_; my $switch = 0; return map { my $level = 0; my @tag_stack; if ($switch++ % 2) { my $text = ''; my @lines = /(.*\n)/g; my $close_item = 1; for my $line (@lines) { $line =~ s/^([0\*]+) //; my $new_level = length($1); my $tag = ($1 =~ /0/) ? 'ol' : 'ul'; if ($new_level > $level) { for (1..($new_level - $level)) { push @tag_stack, $tag; $text .= "<$tag>\n"; $close_item = 0; } $level = $new_level; } elsif ($new_level < $level) { for (1..($level - $new_level)) { $tag = pop @tag_stack; $text .= "\n\n"; $close_item = 1; } $level = $new_level; } chomp( $line ); $text .= "\n" if $close_item ; $text .= "
  • \n".&li_format( $line ); $close_item = 1; } for (1..$level) { my $tag = pop @tag_stack; $text .= "
  • \n"; } $_ = $self->lists_format($text); } $_; } split m!(^[0\*]+ .*?\n)(?=(?:[^0\*]|$))!ms, $text; } sub li_format { my $text = shift; my $return = ''; my $topic = ''; $topic = $1 if $text =~ s/([^\[]*?) - //; $text =~ s/^ +//gm; # $return .= "


    \n" if $topic; $text = "$topic\n\n".$text if $topic; $return .= &blog2html( $text, 1 )."\n"; $return =~ s/


    \n\t\t/g; $return =~ s{


    }g; return $return; } sub escape_html { my ($self, $text) = @_; $text =~ s/&(?!amp;|#|\w+;)/&/g; $text =~ s//>/g; $text; } sub code_postformat { my ($self, $text) = @_; chomp($text); return "
    \n"; } sub italic { my ($self, $text) = @_; $text =~ s#(?$1#g; return $text; } sub bold { my ($self, $text) = @_; $text =~ s#(?$1#g; return $text; } sub wiki_link_format { my ($self, $text) = @_; my( $attr ) ; $attr = qq{ title="}.$self->config->title_prefix.qq{: $text"} if defined $self->config ; my $script = $self->script; my $url = $self->escape($text); my $wiki_link = qq{$text}; my $excluded = 'RecentChanges' ; if( defined $self->database and ( not $self->database->exists($text) ) and $text !~ /$excluded/ ) { $wiki_link =~ s/is_readable($text)) { $url = $self->escape($self->loc("KwikiPrivatePage")); $wiki_link = qq{$text}; } return $wiki_link ; } sub wiki_link { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->split_method($text, qr{([$UPPER](?=[$WIKIWORD]*[$UPPER])(?=[$WIKIWORD]*[$LOWER])[$WIKIWORD]+)(?![^\"]*")}, 'wiki_link_format', ); } sub wiki_link_forced_format { my ($self, $text) = @_; my( $attr ) ; $attr = qq{ title="}.$self->config->title_prefix.qq{: $text"} if defined $self->config ; my $script = $self->script; my $url = $self->escape($text); $url =~ s/\;\,\.\'\" //g ; my $wiki_link = qq{$text}; my $excluded = 'RecentChanges' ; if( defined $self->database and ( not $self->database->exists($text) ) and $text !~ /$excluded/ ) { $wiki_link =~ s/is_readable($text)) { $url = $self->escape($self->loc("KwikiPrivatePage")); $wiki_link = qq{$text}; } return $wiki_link ; } sub wiki_link_forced { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->split_method($text, qr{(?paragraph_format($_); } $_; } split m!(\n\s*\n)!ms, $text; } sub paragraph_format { my ($self, $text) = @_; return '' if $text =~ /^[\s\n]*$/; return $text if $text =~ /^<(o|u|d)l>/i; # This adds paragraph tags, etc. return &blog2html( $text ) . "\n"; } # Fix this to detect images # Never mind, handling images separately. # Unchanged sub named_http_link { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->split_method($text, qr{(?link_format($text); } sub http_link { my ($self, $text) = @_; $self->split_method($text, qr{((?:https?|ftp|irc|file):\S+?(?=[),.:;]?(?:\s|<|$)))}m, 'http_link_format', ); } sub http_link_format { my ($self, $text) = @_; return $self->link_format($text); } sub link_format { my ($self, $text) = @_; my( $title, $ext, $internal, %attr ) = ( "", "", "" ) ; ( $text, $title ) = split( /\n/, $text ); $title ||= ''; $title =~ s/"/"/g; # remove white space at beginning, end, or multiple spaces in between $title =~ s/(^\s*|\s+(?=\s)|\s$)//sg; $text =~ s/(^\s*|\s+(?=\s)|\s$)//sg; # catch the case when the [] only contain a url my $url = $text; # remove the url from the text, and hand it to $url $url = $1 if $text =~ s/(.*?) +//; if( $title ) { $attr{'title'} = qq{$title} ; } else { $ext = ": ".uc( $1 ) if $url =~ m/\.(png|gif|swf|jpg|jpeg|tiff|bmp)(\?|$)/i ; if( $url =~ m#http://(?:www.)?([^/]*)(?=\?|/|$)#i ) { $attr{'title'} = qq{$1$ext} ; # } elsif( $url =~ m#([^/.]*)\.([^/.]*)\.([^./]*)(?=/|$)#i && # ( $title = "$1.$2.$3" ) && $2 =~ /^com?|edu|ac$/) { # $attr{'title'} = qq{$title$ext} ; } elsif ( $url =~ m#([^/.]*\.[^./]*)(?=/|$)#i ) { $attr{'title'} = qq{$1$ext} ; } } # The following check is necessary for Bloxsom integration. $internal = '^'.$self->config->base_url.'' if( defined $self->config ) ; $attr{'class'} = qq{external} if( $url =~ /^http:\/\// && $url !~ /$internal/i ) ; return qq{$text} ; } sub img_format { my ($self, $url) = @_; return qq{ }; } sub underscore { my ($self, $text) = @_; $text =~ s#(?$1#g; return $text; } # ###### MY OWN ADDITIONS ############ # sub isbn_link { my ($self, $text) = @_ ; $text =~ s#\b(ISBN|isbn):[\s]*([0-9\-xX]+)(?!\])#$1: $2#gi ; return $text ; } 1;